Can I submit someone else's content?
Sort of. If someone you follow who produces polyship content isn't tagging us, please let them know about us and invite them to participate. We'd rather content come directly from creators so that we know we have their consent to include their works!
However, you can always submit polyship commissions you've paid for (both fanart and fanfic), giveaways you've won, and gifts you've received. If your favorite polyship creators have gone inactive, have left the fandom, or don't post to tumblr, you can always create a fanfic or fanart rec list to recommend their work.
We also accept inspiration posts (asks, challenges, prompts) that are not your own original content, as long as they are made for polyships or general enough they could be used for a polyship. You can tags us or submit inspiration posts at any time!
Can I submit more than one post for the queue?
Please do! We want as much participation as we can get every quarter. So if you have multiple posts, feel free to submit all of them!
I posted, but I haven't seen you reblog my post! Did you ignore me?!
Definitely not intentionally. On the off-chance we did miss your post, we're very sorry. If we didn't get your post the first time, please reblog and mention us again! We'd love to reblog your content.
You mislabeled/mistagged my (OC's gender/OC's last name/ship configuration/rating to my fic, etc).
First, we're very, very sorry. We do our best to try to figure out how to appropriately tag these things as we go. We use context clues, tags from AO3 links, tags on your post, etc, to figure out how to tag things. If you ever want us to update a tag for your post feel free to send us an ask or an email to dapolyshipping@gmail.com, and we'll fix it ASAP. It's never a bother to ask us for something to be tagged appropriately.
Thank you for your understanding!
I'm new to polyshipping. What's the difference between A/B and B/C and A/B/C?.
The simplest explanation is who's in love with/having sex with who. In A/B and B/C shipping B is involved with both A and C, but A and C aren't involved with each other. In A/B/C shipping everyone is together emotionally or physically or both.
An easier way to understand this is: Dorian Pavus/m!Trevelyan
are a positive representation of a polyship as long as
everyone knows what's going on and is on board with the arrangement. Dorian and
Cassandra may never have sex or be involved romantically, but this is still a
valid polyship even without their interaction.
Meanwhile, in a Solas/f!Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford
ship, all three parties are
having a good time with one another. This could be a sex only threesome or a
loving relationship between all three of them. Both interpretations are welcome
for DA Polyshipping Sharing.
I don't have a tumblr. Can I still participate?
Absolutely! You can submit a post from twitter, AO3, DeviantArt, or other site directly to the blog even without a tumblr account.
To submit without an account, simply enter a name and email into the submission form. You can use a fandom handle or even "anon" if you do not want to provide a real name. If you do not want to provide an email feel free to use dapolyshipping@gmail.com or even a fake address. We do not use your address for anything and don't even see it.

Someone submitted something to your blog that plagiarizes my fic/someone has stolen my art and submitted it to you!
We are very, very sorry this has happened to you. We do have a policy in place concerning plagiarism and art theft with some steps to take. Please take a moment to read our information On Art Theft.
We do strongly encourage you to try to work things out amicably with the other creator, but if it simply isn't possible we will remove the work which violates your intellectual property rights. We would also like to encourage you to submit your work yourself as long as it fits the scope of the blog.